How to maintain a positive relationship with your teachers, and why it’s important
Having good relationships with your teachers, even the ones of subjects you might not enjoy, is a critical part of your high school career. This will help you with getting the non-generic recommendation letters for both college and scholarships,…

SAT & ACT Prep can have a huge ROI
Most schools' scholarships are tied to a combination of test scores and class rank or GPA, and the relationship is inversely proportional. GPA continues to be the most important factor in your application, so the higher your GPA the more you can qualify for and the lower your test score has to be to qualify.

Are you making this simple mistake on percentage problems?
Students make 1 simple mistake on the harder percentage problems. It's easy to fix, and I'll show you 2 ways to work with these problems.

Try this great new feature on our website
Check out this great new feature on our redesigned website.

Should you prepare for the PSAT?
After students get their PSAT scores back, they don't always get a lot of direction about what to do next. If you're lucky, your school might host a meeting to go over what the scores mean, but most schools are overburdened with other things.…