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5 things to do when you get your PSAT scores back

PSAT scores will be officially released by College Board December 11-13 based on which region of the country you’re in. Some students have already figured out how to get their scores using a glitch they discovered in the College Board website and sharing it through the various channels where teenagers share such things these days. […]

Should you prepare for the PSAT?

After students get their PSAT scores back, they don’t always get a lot of direction about what to do next. If you’re lucky, your school might host a meeting to go over what the scores mean, but most schools are overburdened with other things. You’ll probably get the score report that shows your PSAT score, […]

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What Do College Applications and Chewing Gum Have in Common?

We asked one of our assistant coaches, Sydney, to give us an opinion about college applications from someone who is going through the process right now. Here are her thoughts. Imagine you’re in the checkout line at Costco, having just eaten lots of samples and having made it this far into your outing (having experienced […]


Does College Test Prep Make a Difference?

Test prep tutors everywhere rejoiced earlier this year when College Board finally admitted that test prep makes a difference. They’re still toeing the line that the SAT is about what students learn in school, but it was good to hear them admit that preparing for a test like the SAT or ACT helps students do better on […]